Solving the world's renewable energy gap

“It is critical that we store enough renewable electrical energy that has been produced during periods of excess generation – such as those during favourable wind conditions – for the inevitable ‘dark doldrum’ periods that follow.”

- PhysicsWorld, Peter Edwards, Peter Dobson and Gari Owen, April 22, 2022

EVŌQ Energy is pioneering technology that changes the equation when it comes to deciding between lithium-ion and lead acid batteries for your renewable energy storage and grid management solutions. 

Lead acid batteries are typically overlooked because they have:

• lower energy capacity

• limited cycle life

• inefficient charging

• larger size and weight

• inefficient energy disbursement

EVŌQ Energy is creating next-generation lead acid batteries that have increased capacity, cycle life, charging capacity, and energy disbursement. Due to the increased energy density, size and weight can be reduced up to 50%. 

It’s the first major innovation in lead acid batteries in 100 years.